Total number of employees Total number of women employees Month Year Percentage%
Total number of employees in your graduate scheme/ apprenticeship/ trainee scheme Total number of women in your graduate scheme/ apprenticeship/ trainee scheme Month Year Percentage%
Total number of employees within your middle management Total number of women within your middle management Month Year Percentage%
Total number of employees in your senior management/ board level Total number of women in your senior management/ board level Month Year Percentage%
Total number of non-executive board members Total number of women non-executive board members Month Year Percentage%
Number of employees were internally promoted in the last 12 months Total number of women who were internally promoted in the last 12 months Month Year Percentage%
Number of employees who left your company (retired, resigned, redundancies, career break etc) in the last 12 months Total number of women who left your company (retired, resigned, redundancies etc) in the last 12 months Month Year Percentage%
Number of people who applied for jobs at your company in the last 12 months Total number of women who applied for jobs at your company in the last 12 months Month Year Percentage%
Number of people shortlisted for interview for jobs at your company in the last 12 months Total number of women shortlisted for interview for jobs at your company in the last 12 months Month Year Percentage%
Total number of people employed into new roles in your company in the last 12 months Total number of women employed into new roles in your company in the last 12 months Month Year Percentage%